Tuesday, January 21, 2014


A foreign country will always have a different cuisine to what you're normally used too - even if it's only a slight variation.

However, Australian to Thai is a bit bigger than a 'slight change'. Especially when one week I go from eating chicken wraps to then eating crispy pork noodle soup with pig blood and coriander. Yes, that happened! I didn't eat the pig blood, instead I pushed it around the bowl (with my stomach also swirling in the same direction as the broth)! Lucky the remainder of the dish was delicious! And thank you to my Thai friends for ordering it - my mouth dropped to the floor mid conversation... So many words and so little English.

Here's a quick pick of outside the lunch spot. P. S - as you can imagine, I was the only 'westerner' to be seen... Rare breed.. Ha.. :)

1 comment:

  1. Be adventurous! have the pig blood... you have too :) Hilda x
