Thursday, February 13, 2014

Movie night!


Ahh, this week is going slowwwwwww. But never fear, tomorrow (Thursday) is our Friday! Hallelujah for long weekends! (Bank holiday here).

Anyway, Wednesday nights are movie night in bangkok (kind of like cheap movie night). So...everyone goes! I went and saw HER with a friend, tickets were 99baht, so....$3.20ish? Proper movie theatre etc. cool huh!

Probably the most unique thing (despite the fact everything is in Thai) is that before every movie - regardless of the cinema or type of movie - everyone must stand for a tribute to the King (it is like a 2 minute movie tribute with the kings anthem). Whilst I obviously did not understand the dialogue, I still felt the power of the message through the emotion..pretty touching. There is so much respect for the king (they all love him dearly). In fact I was talking to a girl at work and she mentioned when she went to the movies last week and the tribute was playing she had a tear in her eye as she felt ashamed of what was currently happening in Bangkok..(without boring you, there is a distinct difference between the kingdom and the prime minister - I guess our equivalent is the queen/monarchy vs politics, however the Thai people actually do worship the king - his picture is everywhereeee!). 

As for the movie itself...ah...weird! Some bits were funny, some bits awkward and some other bits I noticed the architecture of the movie theatre (ie: yawwwwwwn). Although I must admit watching ( or should I say listening) to a virtual s.e.x scene in a crowded movie theatre in a foreign country is an experience ....overall, probably a 6.5/10 (that's for the movie lol).           If you would like to read :)

Anywaaaaaaay, bed time for me now...

Night :) x

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