Sunday, March 23, 2014

A few days later...

Its been a few days of silence but I can assure you the worker bee's in Bangkok are still everrrrrryywheerreeeeeeeeee. Life goes on..

Probably the most notable thing to update you on is that it is hot. Absolutely ridiculously hot. Hotter than an oven. Hotter than hot. Probably even hotter than the sun. For those that love humidity, please join me on my 10 minute shower-walk to work in the mornings. Wahhhhhh.

On a more positive note,  it rained (stormed actually) for the first time since I have been here. Power flickered, satellite tv gone and some suburbs lost power. But it was bliss! Unfortunately though....5 hours later and its back to normal. Saddddddddddd...

This coming week will be Verrrrrry busy so that's exciting. On the flip side however, I'm going to Hong Kong on Friday to the rugby 7's. Woooooooo!! Light at the end of the tunnel.

Anywaaaay. My washing machine is beeping at me as it's time to hang the Washing out. Ahh..the chores..:(

Have a good week :) pictures attached as usual to help you..

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