Monday, March 3, 2014

Off to see the wizarrrrrrrd

G'day mondaaaaay!

What a dreadful day you are.

Onwards and upwards........!

Another big big week ahead both in and out of work. Oh how I wish a time machine existed!

Some exciting news is that most of the big rally sites are officially reopened to traffic (remember they actually are major intersections). I walked past one and it looks Sooooo weird with cars... Happy days.

This week will mark my 7th week in Bangers.. How time flies! It's been a great experience though. I might be popping home for a wee bit shortly so everyone hold your seats! (or breath?).

To help you with your relaxation time I'll attach the pictures... Some of my morning walk through the street markets (every morning. This is the reason I get to work drenched in sweat... But they so Yum!) and also some food......... And then just some random ones.

Enjoy, peace, love, all that.

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