Monday, May 5, 2014

Lovedddd ones!

Hi Everyone,

Now that I am "home" in my "home away from home", I now have to time to reflect on the last week and a half - what a cyclone!  (but the best cyclone possible).

I've said it in a previous post, however it was absolutely fantastic (as corny as that is) to see so many familiar faces, watch smiles glisten and hear all those cute comments "oh, you're still white...oh, you've got skinner". can't buy it! (or forget it!) 

I'm still trying to piece together what happened, however a brief snapshot:

- I saw my baby-to-be (aka mini Emma + Bar)
- I saw my born army (aka Kimbo's lovechild)
- I kissed, hugged, played and loved up my little man (wallace!)
- I spent (what now seems like not-enough) quality time with the mothership, dad and Kate W
- Went to the footy with Dad, Kate W and Hilda
- had a great family dinner with the , uh, whole family  (seems obvious lol)
- dinner with friends x 2
- movies with darl
- bought a new computer, new phone..
- worked 3 days!
- Had a mini Holiday in Sydney and had the best time with P'Tam

BOOM!  That's a successful trip.

It's safe to say that I shed a tear or twelve billion on the return flight after seeing so many new and old loved ones. But, absence makes the heart grow fonder and I will be seeing you all again soon :)!
(to the customs lady and the newsagent lady - I apologise for how scary I might have been in Sydney airport - tearing up in front of you lol).

P.S - Pictures? who wants pictures? we need pictures! 

Off to go get my "sweat on" in Balmy Bangkok - a cool 32* today, but it's overcast...fewww!

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