Friday, June 27, 2014

MARG, the rains are ere' !!!!

UH OH - it's rain time!

Much to my delight, it's largely been overcast since my return - which instantly means LESS SWEAT (one win for me!). (hope you got the visual of me sweating just then too :)  #yourewelcome ).
However, what this does mean is...rain...!  I love a good tropical downpour (and the calm and smell it brings) - but let's face it - the practically of it is not great. Put that in a city where infrastructure is still being built (aka Bangkok) and you have..........the perfect recipe!

Watch this space as the rainy season continues. I have my umbrella. No poncho yet - I'm against them (G'ma Judy - remember Cairns!).

Anyway, you'll be pleased to know my diet is back on track. Attached are some pics of pork knuckles and rice (with sweet/sour sauce and soup), tom yum noodles with sweet/sour sauce and fish, ice-cream with sticky rice/corn/coconut/coconut jelly.  All delicious :)

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