Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Moooore food!

I swear this is more than just about food.

HOWEVER, more pictures of local food for you. This time it's green chicken curry! And I can confirm all parts of the chicken are utilised. Ask my stomach :)

I then tried a Thai dessert from the street.. Pork and peanut mashed together inside a jelly - like coating. The taste was Deeeeelicious, however the texture was 100% gag worthy.

Oh, and it was also Vegemite day!!!!!! The guys tried it. And hated it. Tick!!!!!!! Welcome to Australia.


  1. Heya Daniel,
    Just got back to work today from 3 weeks leave. So great, but missing you my friend.
    Looking at your photos, no wonder they didn't like the vegemite, what happened to the butter mate? And what about less is more with vegemite
    The peeps look like a friendly bunch, and no doubt you have won them over already.
    Were you anywhere near the riots the other day where the shootings were? I did feel a little bit sick when I heard about it on the news.

  2. Tcj!!!!!!
    Haha. I know what you like lots of butter and a sniff of . I asked if they wanted butter haha. They are super super friendly and beautiful. No fortunately was no where near the shootings, or any riots really, so that's good. So far so good! Miss u mooooore x
