Sunday, February 2, 2014

Happy Chinese New year!

Apologies for my delay, however happy Chinese New year!

Although I have always seen the banners in Brisbane/aus, I've never really seen it celebrated so passionately until now.

In Thailand it's a 4 day celebration - Thursday to Sunday. Thursday being new years eve, etc etc. People are wearing red in celebration and those that have Chinese heritage are wearing traditional outfits (even to work!). It's really cute! As well, if the company is owned or run by Chinese heritage it closes.. So the staff have the day off etc! 

For me, we celebrated on Friday (new years day) with some desserts - traditional Chinese in the morning (which is was like a spicy bean mix wrapped in banana leaf) .

After lunch we then went down the Thai dessert bandwagon - traditional Icecream with sticky rice at the bottom, fruit, then Icecream. Then also crepes with (what I can only describe as meringue like filling) and coconut shreds. Annnnnnnd then also we had coconut fried.

Pictures below should be self explanatory, however if you don't like Thai food, I Pitty you. The more I taste of it the absolutely more delicious it gets!

I'm in love!

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