Saturday, February 22, 2014

Grand palace


I can confirm that today we:
- caught a boat
- sweated
- took Selfies
- sweated
- ahhhh'd at beautiful architecture
- took our shoes off to walk in the temple
- sweated
- had problems putting said shoes back on due to heat (LOL)
- sweated
- laughed, laughed and laughed

Although it was really hot it honestly was very beautiful - just looking at the different temples built so many years ago is utterly amazing. As you will guess, pictures do not do it any justice. You could spend hours and hours here...

Being a legit tourist feels strange and I feel the gauking eyes at the group of ghosts walking around (snow white LOL). BUT.. it's part of the fun.

The river on the other hand.. Ah.. Let's just say if you fall in, good luck. RIP.

Hope you enjoy :)

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