Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sup life!

Hi world!

Sorry for my lack of posting, the last few days have been crazy busy!

All is still good in the hood. Today there were some escalations in the protests with 4 people dieing, but all far away from me so no stress. I'm amazed that it is now just everyday life that major intersections are closed off with tents, stages, and permanent markets along roads. Power to the people..!

Every now and then you see army stations, but they are generally about 1km away from the protest sites (hence why I see them). Close enough to step in if stuff gets serious but far enough away that people won't freak!

Anyway, you would be pleased to know my eating habits have continued strongly. When coming over to Asia I was under the impression I would hopefully be more healthy not eating anything too oily that our Western food is laden with. How wrong I was.....!!!

Although I don't eat anything too unhealthy, I just eat a lot more of it because it's so delicious lol. Crap! Ah well. Life..

It's getting hotter each day which is just great. I can feel the sweat beads forming when I walk to work now, so I think it's bike to work time soon.....

On the side, I'm loving learning little bits of the local lingo, especially when walking through markets/shops and hearing locals talk to westerns/foreigners. It's funniest when the foreigner walks away and the local mutters something, and although I don't 100% understand the words, I have picked up on bits so I turn around and smile and laugh with them. Seeing their faces drop when they realise I realised what they say is priceless, so we laugh some more. Practically best friends I'd say.

Other good news is that some friends from home are coming this weekend - yaayyaayayayy!! I'm excited to see them. And hope they enjoy bangers and most importantly Thailand. I'll be sure to show them the best and worst I've experienced so far... (for those that have been to bangers, I'll take them to Soi cowboy. For those that haven't been to bangkok.. Ah...think ants crawling all over you, mud on your feet and then being surrounded by scantily clothed women. Ick! It feels like that it is so icky ).

Anyway... Enough blabber. Here are some pics of odd things.. Desserts.. Drinks... Life..... Enjoy xx

1 comment:

  1. Love reading about your travels Daniel. Stay safe. Lv Aunty G xxxx
