Friday, April 11, 2014

Songkran time!

Hi Everyone,

Guess what! It's Songkran time :)

For those not "in the know" Songkran is Thailands "traditional New year". I won't bore you with the details on the history (although it is quite fascinating), instead direct you to this link to read in your own spare time:

As with all traditional celebrations, it has now become a big holiday and "commercialised" into what is now known as the "water festival". My Thai friends have warned me that, "as a Farang" (foreigner/whitehead) I will be the best, looks like i am spending the entire weekend in my speedos! (James Bond?).

Nooo! Just joking. We do have Monday and Tuesday off as Public Holidays, so it is a loooong weekend. Some time this weekend I aim to experience the "true" Songkran and I will update you accordingly.

But for the viewers at home..... I encourage you to go have a shower (or go to your backyard and use your hose), close your eyes, and pretend you are in Songkran having the time of your life.

You're welcome.


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