Monday, April 21, 2014


Happy easter everyone :).

Firstly, I am super jealous of the public holidays (although I guess I had Songkran!).

Obviously easter is not celebrated in Thailand mainstream due to it seems a bit surreal. Though, having no chocolate at my disposal means I don't feel bad that I ate half my weight in dairy consider that a win!

This weekend has gone farrrrrr too quick. On Saturday I finally got around to doing some gift shopping (first time in 3 months). Oops..!! Nothing spectacular, however some nice little things :).

Saturday night I caught up with an olddddd friend I had a class with at uni. 6 years it has been since I last saw him (see pic :)). Its a crazy small world at the end of the day and it was great to catch up. It ended up as a big group of aussies (influenced anyway) and it is getting me ready for my return this week.....soo much english. Funny story, apparently my accent has an asian influence. .eg, when we were talking the way I was explaining things was clearly broken/slowed down. I hadnt really noticed but it makes, watch this space..

In lighter news, im flying home in 2 days time! Its not for too long, but I am very very excited to see my loved ones.

Hope you have all had a great long weekend and are smiling x

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