Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Honey, I'm hommmmmme

Hi guys :)

Apologies for the delay in updating, however, I umm, am home! (Surprise :)).

Admittedly, the media have successfully portrayed Thailand (particularly Bangkok) as a very hostile and intimidating place. I'm not saying it wasn't in some places, however where I was, it was quite the opposite. To date i have not seen a solider..so...go figure :). Yes there is a curfew and yes TV channels/media are still blocked, however as a whole, some areas are temporarily more peaceful...

However, given the number of variables and the uncertainty, I've returned home to my loved ones for a week bit whilst the army "cools its jets". I'll be back over in Bangkok very soon though :).

On a side note - coming home is amazing! Although, i feel every return will be just that little bit harder...uh oh...

I'll enjoy it while it lasts tho! So far ive already immersed myself in the Greek festival as well so much yummmmy foooooood (as usual...)

Some photos for your viewing pleasure. I will update the blog when i remember, but for now, i am in sunny old BRISBAAANEEEEE.

P.s - go QLD! :)


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