Friday, May 23, 2014

Coup? a Coup? YES! A Coup!

Hi everyone,

Yes..i know you would have seen the news and freaked!   It is ok, i am ok... :)

To be honest, it is very surreal and definitely an experience I never thought i would get to have (good or bad!). To be told you are now under martial law (with no constitution), have a curfew to be indoors for a set time (10pm-5am), have restricted access to news (i.e.: tv channels blocked) and to be careful in your everyday activities (including especially carrying passports)'s uh...a far cry from civilised democracy.

I think the most amazing thing to me is the curfew. The whole idea of telling a whole country to be inside during the hours of 10 pm - 5 am (except if going to airport or hospital) is crazy. No shops are open during this time (even 7/11, which NEVER happens!). Remember, this is roughly 66 million people + tourists............ Granted, not every single person would obey, however in the streets of Bangkok, judging by the pictures I have seen and what my friends tell me, it is exactly that - a creepy, eery, curfew...

As for me + Bangkok, it's a "watch this space" mentality. There are a lot of variables that are about to happen before I/we can decide a few things, but please know I am safe. As for realtime updates, I employ you to stick to more factual ones, such as:

unfortunately the likes of and CNN etc seem to add a significant amount of drama...

Anyway, i'll include some pictures so you can see some realness.
Any questions please let me know
dan x

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