Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Political/Military update...

Hi all,

Thank you for all your messages :).

I thought i would spread a quick note to let you know that all is "ok" (i understand that may seem very naive, however it's the truth!).

Unfortunately (or fortunately - pending how you look at it), the media has a tendency to sensationalise events and that cannot be more true about Thailand. Yes, martial law was declared, yes there are a lot of variables at the moment, however....there are not soldiers on every corner, there are not gangs walking around rioting, there are not bonfires and violence. In fact, it is business as usual. This morning when i walked to work it was actually busier than normal - people hustling and bustling around on their way to work (getting breakfast), waiting at the bus stop, etc. I saw not one troop today.

Yes, i am lucky as I am in an area that is not near government houses/buildings and yes, my work is close by to my apartment, so....maybe in that way i am naive, but that also means i'm ok :).

Speaking at lunch today with my thai colleagues they are not too phased at all. Many actually think this is just another "step" in the process - with it being a part of the larger process, and this being the only way to go to "save face" for both parties (as neither has 'won' in the ongoing protests since November last year). Believe what you will, but you only have to review a quick history of Thai politics to see why this series of events isn't too unusual (hint : 1973 is when modern instability begun!):

For some non-biased updates:

Maps (my apartment is in Soi Nai Loet- just near Chidlom (or up from Lumpini on the map):

As a side note, martial law means some crazy things are now law...have a read of the list if you get a chance (e.g. - bans on media including social media, weapon control, no curfew etc).

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me. If anything changes i'll let you know.....well, maybe after I save my life..ha..

Peace xx

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