Sunday, May 18, 2014


Ever wondered why you pick that brand of milk at woolies? Why you prefer those biscuits to the ones right next to them?

One thing that is easy to forget is the little things in life - such as the items you pick when grocery shopping. goes without saying that shopping in a different supermarket, in a different country and in a different language is...Unique! 5 Months later and I think i've found most of the items i like - whether it be the brand of Soy Milk or the type of strawberries (Korean Vs American - who would of thought?). Admittedly, most of it has been via trial and error (which has sometimes ended up with a full bin), it's been fun!  And not too expensive either........lucky!

The past week has been a fairly busy one as i settle back in to (some-sort) of normality. Unfortunately for me (and the other 6.3 million inhabitants of Bangkok) - it is still "bloody" hot. April is 'supposedly' the hottest month of the year (hence Songkran) - but i'm not sure if i agree with everyone. It is now mid-May and last week was by far the hottest week i've had in Bangkok. I'm talking walk out of the door and instant sweat mode...(you can't even pay for that experience?). On Thursday (or maybe Friday - i blame the heat for my forgetfulness) - it was 42 degrees Celsius, plus the usual humidity and pollution. On the plus side, storms are coming and almost every night there is a big one - so this excites me! (Although my friends at work now say the rainy season means floods everywhere - one extreme to the other!!!).

Yesterday (Saturday) I had a fairly quite day - lunch with friends at Siam Paragon (a shopping centre), followed by a walk and a quiet afternoon. Today, Sunday, I took the BTS (sky train) a few stops down to Ekkaimai and had brunch by myself, reading up on my buddhism :). Sometimes I have an out-of-body experience and wonder what people think of me as I sit by myself in a  cafe/restaurant, doing my own thing - whether that's reading a book or smiling at messages on my phone. If there is one thing I have developed over the last few months it is independence - the actual confidence to go and experience things by 'myself' and not feel silly. This, by far, is one of the best things I have developed. Don't get me wrong though - I still smile awkwardly at the staff as the serve me with their pity face or ask if its a table for "2" or "1???" with a puppy dog face. Haha! You have to laugh, otherwise, know.. :)

Food wise - I am pleased to say that my diet has NEVER been better. Fresh food - curries, fruit, vegetables, Thai iced tea and Bubble teas. I absolutely loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee it.

Below are a random selection of pictures - some of my walk to work in the morning (through the markets and in the sun), and some of this weekend. The blue 'building' is my apartment/condo block - cute hey :).

Off to do some ironing and my chores to start the week. Hope you all have had a good weekend and good luck for the week ahead.

P.S - Happiest of Birthdays to my dad and my sister x

Peace out x

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