Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Wisakha Bucha Day

G'day all,

Today (13th May) is Wisakha Bucha Day in Thailand - the day Buddhist celebrate the birth, enlightenment and passing of 'the' Buddha. So, naturally, it's a Public Holiday :).

It was beautiful weather today, which is rather fitting I guess. I don't think I'll ever not be a true local and reduce the quantity of sweat - but I've spent enough time to observe the tricks, i.e.:

- walk slow. Like, as if you do not want to go to work (or school) slow. This avoids any unnecessary rush and at the same time (conveniently) means you don't break a sweat rushing (ha!)
- use any object available to shelf yourself from the sun. This can be, but is not limited too, a book, your bag, an umbrella, a hat, your friends hat, paper or an article of clothing (no joke).
- avoid walking. if walking is required for more than 2 minutes, get a bike or taxi.
- eat cool, refreshing items regularly
- Basically, avoid going outside. At all costs. No excuses.

:)  No racism or gimmick intended - just simple, casual observations :). I like the style!

On a side note, I thought it would be of interest to you (as you are apparently so interested in me), that you also know I am currently reading up on Buddhism and Thai history (especially Northern Thailand vs Southern). As well, I'm also partial to a few Thai tunes. Yes, i don't actually know what the words mean, but judging by the YouTube clips, I think i've worked it out (plus the tunes are catchy!). Here's some to enlighten you:

(i hear this every morning when walking through the markets - I think i could almost choreograph a routine to the chorus now..)

Anyway, that's all for me for now. I'm off to be at peace...

Have a good week :)
Dan x

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