Sunday, May 11, 2014

Weekend /M-day...

Hi everyone!
Hope you have had a lovely weekend, relaxing and soaking up the sun!

Today is a special day for all the mothers. It's not really celebrated here (from my observation), so it sucks seeing all the Facebook love but not seeing it in real life. To my mum,  thank you for everything you have done for me. You're the best and I love you):).

Now! Weekend. Somehow this weekend I accidentally stumpled upon a fashion show, went to the opening of (another) massive shopping centre and successfully sweated so much I almost fainted. Success!

The good news is the "rains have started ", every night there's been a storm... I love it! Tropical :). Ive been wondering though, what happens to all the skybars??? Do they have an evacuation plan? Like, seriously, they are always decked out with so much decoration, live bands, food, etc. And everyone wouldn't fit in the lifts at once? Ahhh, that would be such an experience haha. :D

Pictures for you. Ive also included a picture of lunch on Friday -spicy tom yum noodles with minced pork and pork intestine. It looks suppper spicy but is actually super delicious!  So fresh :).

Stay cool people and love your mummas! Xx

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