Friday, June 27, 2014

MARG, the rains are ere' !!!!

UH OH - it's rain time!

Much to my delight, it's largely been overcast since my return - which instantly means LESS SWEAT (one win for me!). (hope you got the visual of me sweating just then too :)  #yourewelcome ).
However, what this does mean is...rain...!  I love a good tropical downpour (and the calm and smell it brings) - but let's face it - the practically of it is not great. Put that in a city where infrastructure is still being built (aka Bangkok) and you have..........the perfect recipe!

Watch this space as the rainy season continues. I have my umbrella. No poncho yet - I'm against them (G'ma Judy - remember Cairns!).

Anyway, you'll be pleased to know my diet is back on track. Attached are some pics of pork knuckles and rice (with sweet/sour sauce and soup), tom yum noodles with sweet/sour sauce and fish, ice-cream with sticky rice/corn/coconut/coconut jelly.  All delicious :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Sawasdee Krub 2nd Home

"Does it feel like coming home?" asked my seat mate as we landed in Bangkok. "Kinda, yeah!" i said back.  Ahhhh ...

Ok, so I've now been "home" for just over 24 hours and wow - what a whirlwind. Coming from the craziness that was Sydney Airport on a Monday morning (hint: if anyone missed their flight that morning - i can confirm why - customs was closed due to crowding. The pilot stated it quite fittingly when explaining why we were late leaving "Ahh, due to the Sydney airport, unfortunately the customs hall gets very crowded and has to shut down"). Elegant.

Anyway! So, fast forward 10 hours on a packed plane, a meal and a half, 7 hours straight looking out the window and contemplating life's variables annnd I am landing in Bangkok. Before we go any further, i love airplanes (and flying in general) - but after a few hours stuck in an economy seat, the novelty quickly wears off (as do the cramps ha haaaaaa).  Anyway, back to the story hey..
Now, for anyone who has been to Bangkok before, you may have experienced the unfortunate "delays" on arrival. To my amazement (or shock?) - this time round was suppppper supper efficient. Like, i have never seen it like that (but i am only up to 5 times coming in). No queues. Every immigration counter open. Multiple flights arriving at the same time. Again, no queues. Immigration staff walking around helping. Bags already coming out. Everything looking "tidy" - cleaner than usual (again, if you've been before, you might know what i mean). Maybe it's because of the army?  But, either way, I'm a fan. No word of a lie - 30 minutes from walking off the Qantas flight to being in a taxi to my apartment - congrats bangers!

Now now, because it was a daylight (which was weird for so many other reasons) - i didn't have any jet lag. In fact, i went to the shop do my groceries, returned and went to bed as usual. But gosssh - did I ever have the best sleep - probably better than , well, sleeping beauty? Except i woke up.

Anyway, it was fantastttticcc seeing my friends today. They were all so so cute!  Apparently the team guessed I would wear blue (or like Blue) - so everyone wore blue today. I'll include a picture to show you - it was so funny (and so cute, again!).

Ok ok, i think i have written too much now. I'll update you all soon - hope you are having a good week :) x

Monday, June 23, 2014

It's time again!

Well well my friends, it's been a good break, but now it's time for the journey to begin again.

Keep up to date with the blog to continue with me on my journey :) any requests, be sure to tell..

For now though, here's some updates over the last few days/weeks :)


Sunday, June 8, 2014

Still hereeeee!

Hi everyone,

Apologies for my lack of posting.. I seamlessly slipped back into home-mode!

I am currently back at home, living my norrrrmal life, until the journey restarts on 22 June. The break has been great to see friends, family and work colleagues and not feel too rushed. Sigh of relieeefffff!

As I fly back on the 22nd, updates will be a little bit scarce until I'm back in my home-away-from-home!

But for now, i hope you are all welll. Here are sone pictures of my AU life :)
