Saturday, July 5, 2014


As I sit here typing it's raining outside (sprinkles!) and I have just returned home from a mini exploration. Life seems good :)

The past few days have been busy with work, work and,!  However, on Thursday night I went to go get a haircut. Now, having been in Bangkok a few months now, I've had my fair share of haircuts and have aimed to try a new one each time. However, this time I returned back to one I trusted (and in fact, the last time I went there the hairdresser was amazing - so funny! - but maybe a ladyboy - unsure). Anyway, this hairdresser is in Centralworld (a big shopping centre), so it's a bit more expensive - average about 800 THB (that's about $30 or so AUD). It's very expensive for Thailand! (the guys I've asked around the traps would usually pay 300THB or so outside of the 'touristy' areas).  With that in mind, English (or an attempt at English) is preferred for me, so I am willing to pay a wee bit more. This time however, after the polite hello, the hairdresser ominously said "wows so much haiiiirrrrrrrrrrr". Ummm.... HI!   a) you said that out aloud, b) what do you mean by that?  wanna fight? c) wouldn't that be the reason why i'm in a hair salon? d) there's not much!! 
Long story short though - I survived, my hair survived and I like the result. SHORT !   

I could go on and on about my hairdresser experiences here, but they are quite self explanatory. Unfortunately directions for haircuts are very easy to get lost in translation and I have experienced the result of that. but, it's all apart of the experience right :)

Other than that, not too much exciting too report. It's hot, it's wet at times but it's still fun.

let the pictures speak for themselves :)

p.s - the best iced tea picture is included
p.p.s - my pool
p.p.p.s - i've never been in the pool
p.p.p.p.s - yes I ate ALL that food

ciao x

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