Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Nothing too special to update you on - only that it's starting to get a wee bit hotter. Like, the kind of hot where you can just start feeling that sweat under your shirt - but not excessively. Bliss!

Protests wise, despite the news almost stating that Bangkok is in a crisis, Umm, I can confirm it's slightly over dramatised! Yes, there are certainly dangerous areas, particularly around the protest sites, however outside of them everyone is happy, smiling, laughing and living life. The locals say it's #businessasusual, so, get on with it! The closest rally site from me is about 1.5km away, which is definitely far enough! Very quiet here actually! Surreal.

On a side note - on my walk to work this morning I passed a Buddhist giving locals blessings on the footpath. They had to take their shoes off and he would Bless them. So, so cute!

Enough of my blabber for now though. Picture time!!!!

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