Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Stay cool!

This morning when I woke up and looked out the window I saw clouds. What the! The first time in 3 weeks it has been overcast. I thought maybe that means I'm able to use the hotel branded umbrella in my wardrobe...... Wouldn't that ooze of tourist????? Not even. Anyway, you'd be pleased to know they cleared quite quickly. Yay!

As a side note, I would also like to inform you that my chop stick skills have greatly improved. So much so that I only use chop sticks to eat at lunch now. That's right! No fork for this guy. Brings a whole new meaning to get forked!

Lunch today was tom Yum with rice noodles and probably half the Chili bush. I say half probably because the other half was stuck up my nose. Anyway, it was delicious, not too spicy, but definitely had a little something something to it.... Mmhmm!

I've included a pic of our lunch dig today. The guys call it the Korean noodle place, only because the owner is Korean but married a Thai. They don't serve Korean food, only Thai. You do the math!

The cute mumma in the pic cooks the food at the front of the shop. No fridges, potentially limited hygiene.... Adds to the flavour.. :)

As I write this pretty woman is showing on the TV, so forgive me for being distracted. Julia Roberts! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

And that's it. That's me. That's Wednesday. See you on the flip side.

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