Monday, March 31, 2014

7s madness !

Hi everyone,

We did it ! We conquered the Hong Kong rugby 7s. It was amazing fun (and a weeee bit wet na).

Bullet points for a quick recap (ha):

- we first had lunch at the world's most friendliest restaurant (minus the friendliness! ) wowww.
- caught the ferry over to Hong kong island and got on our bus
- walked up to the stadium, dodging the humidity
- got to the stadium, pulled out the 1 real ticket and the 1 ticket we bought on Saturday outside the stadium. As we walked in they scanned the ticket...longest 3 seconds to check its authenticity haha. But it worked!
- we sat in the southern stand (party zone! ) and found a group of fijian mummas (probably their best quote was while watching the game, instead of tackle him it would be "kill himmmmmmm!!!". Haha. Native yeh..)
- as we were randomly In the front row all the teams did laps after their games, meaning we saw all the players up close..and I shook so many hands! Ahh
- new Zealand won against england (note 3/4 of the stadium was clearly going for England = Awkward.)
- as sooon as the final finished it LITERALLY started, cyclonic torrential hard rain. Everrrrrything saturated. So, we grabbed a pims and ran.
- then we started our trek back with a few dances on the way

Overall, a really good time. One big party na!!! :):)

Saturday, March 29, 2014



Quick update.

It's honkers time! !! I had a really nice flight with cathay and met up with my queeeen b at the aiport...was soooo exciting (running through the bagagge claim), then I see mochaaaaaaaaa!!! Dropped the suitcase, screamed and the film crews called "cut". Hahaha. Naaah. But it was so cute and surreal!

Anywaay, we are off to explore now. It's ah...raining alottt. But oh well :)

Bring on the rugby 7s!

P.s so much English. .and reminds me of rush hour 2 cross with Jackie chan. Lol..

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Hello friends:)

Long time no speak. Its been bussssssssy!

Unfortunately nothing too exciting to update you on to be honest. Life goes on you know....

Though, at random times I do start thinking - at what point does one make a "home"? Home is what we make it yes?
I walk through crowds of people everyday simply living their life - eating simple meals in simple settings. It makes me think that maybe sometimes we do make things a whole lot more complicated for ourselves than we really need too. Expectations...values. .morals..I guess they all have a part.

Anyway, I better stop mumbling as its getting a bit strange ya. lol.

To help you, here are some pictures. swear thats not all I do !!!!


Sunday, March 23, 2014

A few days later...

Its been a few days of silence but I can assure you the worker bee's in Bangkok are still everrrrrryywheerreeeeeeeeee. Life goes on..

Probably the most notable thing to update you on is that it is hot. Absolutely ridiculously hot. Hotter than an oven. Hotter than hot. Probably even hotter than the sun. For those that love humidity, please join me on my 10 minute shower-walk to work in the mornings. Wahhhhhh.

On a more positive note,  it rained (stormed actually) for the first time since I have been here. Power flickered, satellite tv gone and some suburbs lost power. But it was bliss! Unfortunately though....5 hours later and its back to normal. Saddddddddddd...

This coming week will be Verrrrrry busy so that's exciting. On the flip side however, I'm going to Hong Kong on Friday to the rugby 7's. Woooooooo!! Light at the end of the tunnel.

Anywaaaay. My washing machine is beeping at me as it's time to hang the Washing out. Ahh..the chores..:(

Have a good week :) pictures attached as usual to help you..

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Walk with meeeeeee

So. Today you're going to join me on my walk home.

Strap yourself innnnnn.'s about a 10 minute walk over a few roads and a bridge or two...


Monday, March 17, 2014



So I just changed my keyboard so I can't type properly. Hence you are stuck with bullet points haha.

This weekend I successfully:

- ate thai food (thats a given)
- had delicious smoothies (mmm mango)
- slept in until midday (thats lazy)
- tried MOS burger for the first time (interesting)
- bought socks at a train station (lol)
- caught the bts to the mrt (so local)
- had the best massage buy a thai boy for 160thb (no happy ending. .physically anyway)
- had a delicious mocha frappe in Japanese area (soi 55 )
- tested more thai language and went ok
- face timed my mother ship and loved it xx
- slept in again
- watched ice age x 2
- moved to couch
- changed my phone keyboard. Threw my phone following change . Regret.

So. That seems like a lot but it really wasn't haha.

Right. Sleep time now for I am old .

Ciao x