Thursday, March 13, 2014

Get your sweat on!

Hey bro's

Welcome to Thursday!

Busy few days so apologies for the non posting.

Life carries on..daily grind of it all, meeting new people, smiling more and immersing in more experiences. Tick!

It's 2 months at the end of this week for my time in Bangers, holy craaaaaaaaaap that has gone FAST!

I have enjoyed it immensely but do of course miss my people at home. Good thing is its change of season here (from 'winter' to summer, so winter gear is on sale!)

Last night I went to dinner on the river.. I couldn't take too many pictures buttt briefly snapped one. Some table of Americans had a game to guess which nationality we all were at the table.. They picked the Australians (we must look like right yobbos), but they didn't pick the French or the Brazilian. The Thai they did get... Multicultural!

Anyway, I will also attach a picture of my sweat face in the lift at work. It's my most pleasant moment of the morning so welcome to my life.

Onwards and upwards, there is too much stuff to do :)

Peaaaace x

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