Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hua hin getaway!


On Sunday morning (7am to be exact) we went on our 'company outing', hoping on a party bus to travel to hua hin (a resort type city/town which is quickly becoming the new pattaya). The bus trip is roughly 2-3 hours, however we made several stops due to the groups size (3 buses with numerous weak bladders on board ha).

I understand why they are called party buses. Not only do they look amazing, but within an hour into the trip..... Boom! Ear drums are vibrating, heart is beating faster and the legs just want to dance. This got real and fast!!!! But so Fun with dancing in the aisle as we cruise down the freeway...

Fast forward and we had lunch on the beach, followed by a fair chunk of team building activities. The whole day was in Thai so I struggled at some points but as usual, everyone was so so nice and would help me. I didn't end up in the naughty circle.. Fewwwwwww!!!

Sunday night was the 'gala dinner', otherwise known as the costume party. I went as.. Well, a few things.. Mr Smith (from Mr and Mrs Smith), James bond, any celebrity, or just me dressed up lol. Pictures will show you.. However there were honestly some hilarious costumes. And others... Well, you know...

Buttttttttt.... Nan and I joined forces as Mr and Mrs Smith and won! (most beautiful category). 5000thb! Boooooom!!!

The night was great fun - Thai culture at its most relaxed. 2 of the tour guides did a mini drag show... And of course me being one of the only true westerners meant I got a kiss. WINNING!

The night went on and I can't tell you what else happened... But Monday we did more sight seeing as you will see..

more pictures to help you.... They say pictures tell a 1000 words, most of which I can't write as I'm falling asleep as I type this...

Hope you all had a great weekend x

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Grand palace


I can confirm that today we:
- caught a boat
- sweated
- took Selfies
- sweated
- ahhhh'd at beautiful architecture
- took our shoes off to walk in the temple
- sweated
- had problems putting said shoes back on due to heat (LOL)
- sweated
- laughed, laughed and laughed

Although it was really hot it honestly was very beautiful - just looking at the different temples built so many years ago is utterly amazing. As you will guess, pictures do not do it any justice. You could spend hours and hours here...

Being a legit tourist feels strange and I feel the gauking eyes at the group of ghosts walking around (snow white LOL). BUT.. it's part of the fun.

The river on the other hand.. Ah.. Let's just say if you fall in, good luck. RIP.

Hope you enjoy :)


Yay!!!!! It's the weeeekeeeennnnnnnnd

This weekend I'm catching up with friends from home (penny, lia, Rob) and then going away for work on Sunday for the night...

I'll update you, but here are some pictures so far :)

Friday, February 21, 2014


Sawasdee Krub!

How are you all? Hopefully good :)

The weather today was slightly odd, , mostly overcast but with a nice breeze. Almost got cold but overall, bliss :)

Last night I went with a friend to a Thai movie - timeline. It was definitely one of the most beautiful movies I have seen. It was a Thai movie so naturally was all in Thai with English subtitles. I picked up on some of the lingo in Thai which made me feel cooooool! (like a kid). I can confirm I did cry. But then again so did 3/4 of the cinema. At least I wasn't the one sobbing profusely..... Just saying!!!

Tomorrow is Friday (thank the lord). It has been a really busy week with work, mentally and physically. But all is going good... New faces, new names, new personalities.

Today penny, lia and Robert arrived (friends from home), so I will get to spend some time with them Friday night. Immerse them in my new home-away from home.... Sooooooo excited! I briefly saw them before but they were exhausted. Yay!!!

Anyway, I think it's time I kissed my sheets and sing myself a lullaby to sleep. I wonder if I can hire someone to do that. Just sing, honest!

Oh and a few pictures for you. One of centralworld shopping centre (before movie), one of outside the shopping centre with people praying and the last one a quick Selfie on the lift home from work. Haha! Asian influence....


Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sup life!

Hi world!

Sorry for my lack of posting, the last few days have been crazy busy!

All is still good in the hood. Today there were some escalations in the protests with 4 people dieing, but all far away from me so no stress. I'm amazed that it is now just everyday life that major intersections are closed off with tents, stages, and permanent markets along roads. Power to the people..!

Every now and then you see army stations, but they are generally about 1km away from the protest sites (hence why I see them). Close enough to step in if stuff gets serious but far enough away that people won't freak!

Anyway, you would be pleased to know my eating habits have continued strongly. When coming over to Asia I was under the impression I would hopefully be more healthy not eating anything too oily that our Western food is laden with. How wrong I was.....!!!

Although I don't eat anything too unhealthy, I just eat a lot more of it because it's so delicious lol. Crap! Ah well. Life..

It's getting hotter each day which is just great. I can feel the sweat beads forming when I walk to work now, so I think it's bike to work time soon.....

On the side, I'm loving learning little bits of the local lingo, especially when walking through markets/shops and hearing locals talk to westerns/foreigners. It's funniest when the foreigner walks away and the local mutters something, and although I don't 100% understand the words, I have picked up on bits so I turn around and smile and laugh with them. Seeing their faces drop when they realise I realised what they say is priceless, so we laugh some more. Practically best friends I'd say.

Other good news is that some friends from home are coming this weekend - yaayyaayayayy!! I'm excited to see them. And hope they enjoy bangers and most importantly Thailand. I'll be sure to show them the best and worst I've experienced so far... (for those that have been to bangers, I'll take them to Soi cowboy. For those that haven't been to bangkok.. Ah...think ants crawling all over you, mud on your feet and then being surrounded by scantily clothed women. Ick! It feels like that it is so icky ).

Anyway... Enough blabber. Here are some pics of odd things.. Desserts.. Drinks... Life..... Enjoy xx

Saturday, February 15, 2014


It's a long weekend so that clearly means it's beach time!

Here are a few pictures. Today I went to Ko Lan Island off pattaya... Beaut!

More sun to come. It's nice to get some relaxation amidst the hustle and bustle! X

Oh, and happy valentines day... :)