Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Moooore food!

I swear this is more than just about food.

HOWEVER, more pictures of local food for you. This time it's green chicken curry! And I can confirm all parts of the chicken are utilised. Ask my stomach :)

I then tried a Thai dessert from the street.. Pork and peanut mashed together inside a jelly - like coating. The taste was Deeeeelicious, however the texture was 100% gag worthy.

Oh, and it was also Vegemite day!!!!!! The guys tried it. And hated it. Tick!!!!!!! Welcome to Australia.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Lessons learnt..

Fun facts :
- wearing a long sleeve shirt and walking to work is not practical in bangers

- walking through food markets every morning on the way to work is cruel punishment. Yummmm!

- being punched in the face by the smell Of raw sewage just after eating a bowl of cocopops does wonders to an appetite

- pad Thai is considered a more expensive meal for Thai people than say noodles or rice. On average, a local meal should cost about 30-40thb, however pad Thai can be 50thb or more.

- when you eat your street fruit (dipped in sugar and pepper), you need to have a breath mint afterwards. Or brush your teeth....

That's all for today. Below are some photos of today's activities....

And yes, I can confirm street food has been consumed on more than one occasion. Delicioussssssssss!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday funday!

It's week 2, however it literally feels like it has been at least a month. Time must definitely fly when you're having fun!

Yesterday I went to the markets at k - village. They were really good (and probably the most un-australian way to spend Straya day). Go figure...

I'm settling into the daily grind of bangers and slowly am trying to be more of a local. Sometimes I mutter Thai phrases under my breath in anticipation of fitting in. And then there's times I say it with no mutter and I get a blank look back. That, my friend, is constructive feedback. Nothing can beat that "what the beep did you just say" look. Makes you feel warm inside.... (ha!)

Pictures below to help you see what I see.

Oh and P. S - I managed to get a haircut all by myself. Bangkok, meet Daniel.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


Ok, so it's the first proper weekend. Today I became a BTS (sky train) EXPERT. Maybe. Anyway,, what I mean is I used it 4 or 5 times today. It's really efficient and surprisingly clean!

I visited two of the big shopping centres - Siam Paragon and centralworld for you avid shoppers. To say they are big is an understatement. Wow!

However, the current protests are camped out of both (in the intersections) meaning they were actually really quiet. Still a fair chunk of people but not crazy at all. And before we go any further - yes mums of the world, it's safe to go in. You use the skywalk to go in - so you are effectively walking above the protests. A pic below should give you an idea!

I also continued with my spice journey and had a delicious spicy pad Thai. Yummmmmmmm!

My legs are super sore now so it's rest time. However, there was time for a sneaky Selfie. See below :)


Hi guys,

I'm slowly blending in more and more!

For lunch, I have been eating with the locals in the little side shops. There are no menus or guides to help. It's as literal as sitting down, writing the tables order on a peice of paper and handing it to the 'waiter/server'. I asked the guys how do they always know what to order.... Quite a simple answer :
"it's either a rice shop or noodle shop with either pork or beef, depending on the day. We know this by the dish next to the open kitchen. If it's a plate or a bowl "

So, there you go. Simple really...!! Definitely beats a Western restaurant with a 10 Page menu with BLT, BLAT, Cnr, parmigiana etc etc. You catch my drift ;-)

As for the tastes? Absolutely delicious! It's spicy yes but not too bad. The guys tested me on Friday to see if I could handle "real Thai spice". I'm proud to say I survived and was drinking the noodle soup it was that delicious. One of the locals was sniffing from the spice. Go figure!

Attached below is a pic of the dish after I had the noodles. Let's just say yes, that is the insides of a pig. Ticked that off the bucket list!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Gooooood morning

Sawasdee Krub !

Ie - G'day bangers. How the beep are you? Rahhhhhhhhh. Stretch time!

IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


A foreign country will always have a different cuisine to what you're normally used too - even if it's only a slight variation.

However, Australian to Thai is a bit bigger than a 'slight change'. Especially when one week I go from eating chicken wraps to then eating crispy pork noodle soup with pig blood and coriander. Yes, that happened! I didn't eat the pig blood, instead I pushed it around the bowl (with my stomach also swirling in the same direction as the broth)! Lucky the remainder of the dish was delicious! And thank you to my Thai friends for ordering it - my mouth dropped to the floor mid conversation... So many words and so little English.

Here's a quick pick of outside the lunch spot. P. S - as you can imagine, I was the only 'westerner' to be seen... Rare breed.. Ha.. :)

Some new friends.....

Monday, January 20, 2014

Walking like a local...

Here's a quick snapshot of my walk home - beautiful!

This happened!

What a great day :). 

Lots of laughs, smiles and Thai knowledge. This is going to be a great ride :)!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday funday!


So... I'm not going to lie. I had to have a Nanna nap this afternoon. I better have the biggest calf muscles in the world shortly!

Today I went on another walk, this time up to a place I will spend a fair amount of time over the next few months . It wasn't too far away (about 10min walk) and I tried my hardest to be a stealth local. Crossing the intersections is fun (there's no green man to cross - you cross when the traffic in the opposite direction is driving.. Ie.. It's dodgemcars central). Anyway, as I walk through the alleyway (in a non creepy way) I see some signs which make my heart beat a little less frequently. "it's the right direction" I scream inside... With a deep breath! Eventually I'm where I need to be and I can tick that off the list until tomorrow :-D.

After my initial stroll I walk up to do some light shopping and have a bite to eat at central chidlom. I can confirm my Thai is no where near good enough to hold a conversation... But I'm trying!

As for the smells in the street.. They remind me of Indonesia and every now and then you get a wiff that turns your stomach like 0 gravity. But, you know, that's what it's all about. Slums and fun!

I could write more and more but I'll try and keep it short and sweet with frequent bursts! To end, here is a pic I just took out of my bedroom window.

Night night bangers, see you tomorrow :)

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Just a wee walk around..

Wannabe local

Let me start off by saying whaaaaat!

So much choice in just your average supermarket. Delicious foods all around.. But for now I think I'll stick to some basics. I'll build myself up!

Street food looks delicious.. I'll be amongst it in no time! Apart from the fish in ice. Not sure I trust that.... Or the raw chicken..... Ok, you know what I mean.

Nex minite #streetvendor!! (haha)

Touch down!

Ok okaaay. The world can calm down now - I have arrived safe and sound. 

It's all about efficiency, so before you ask a question, refer to these FAQs:

HOW WAS THE FLIGHT ? It was good thanks. Great service and went fairly quick...May or May not have drooled on a pillow but that's getting a bit private.
WHAT'S IT LIKE? Short answer - it's like Bangkok. Long answer - it's like Bangkok.
NOW WHAT? Million dollar question my friend.

Here's a quick snap of the airport after customs.....picture yourself here!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Tuesday, January 7, 2014



As a direct result of the current political situation in Bangkok the project / my trip will be delayed slightly - at this stage by a week or so.  

Stay tuned for updates :).

P.S - Information on riots/protests: 

P.P.S - A couple of people have mentioned they were unsure how to comment. You do not have to register/subscribe to anything - simply click the wording under this post (it may say "No Comments" or "1 Comment" etc) - this will then take you to a field in which you can populate. If not, hit the MAIL icon (far left under this post) and email me for more specific advice :)

Ciao :) x

Monday, January 6, 2014

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


The countdown is on - T MINUS 8 Days until we begin :)


Hi Everyone,
Welcome to my blog!  I thought it would be a great idea to share my experiences with you on a more personal level – through my words and my eyes. I will endeavour to update as frequent as possible and include as many pictures as I can so you can really see what’s happening!  Don’t feel afraid to ask any questions or if you would like to see something different.
Ciao for now,