Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Honey, I'm hommmmmme

Hi guys :)

Apologies for the delay in updating, however, I umm, am home! (Surprise :)).

Admittedly, the media have successfully portrayed Thailand (particularly Bangkok) as a very hostile and intimidating place. I'm not saying it wasn't in some places, however where I was, it was quite the opposite. To date i have not seen a solider..so...go figure :). Yes there is a curfew and yes TV channels/media are still blocked, however as a whole, some areas are temporarily more peaceful...

However, given the number of variables and the uncertainty, I've returned home to my loved ones for a week bit whilst the army "cools its jets". I'll be back over in Bangkok very soon though :).

On a side note - coming home is amazing! Although, i feel every return will be just that little bit harder...uh oh...

I'll enjoy it while it lasts tho! So far ive already immersed myself in the Greek festival as well so much yummmmy foooooood (as usual...)

Some photos for your viewing pleasure. I will update the blog when i remember, but for now, i am in sunny old BRISBAAANEEEEE.

P.s - go QLD! :)


Friday, May 23, 2014

Coup? a Coup? YES! A Coup!

Hi everyone,

Yes..i know you would have seen the news and freaked!   It is ok, i am ok... :)

To be honest, it is very surreal and definitely an experience I never thought i would get to have (good or bad!). To be told you are now under martial law (with no constitution), have a curfew to be indoors for a set time (10pm-5am), have restricted access to news (i.e.: tv channels blocked) and to be careful in your everyday activities (including especially carrying passports)...it's uh...a far cry from civilised democracy.

I think the most amazing thing to me is the curfew. The whole idea of telling a whole country to be inside during the hours of 10 pm - 5 am (except if going to airport or hospital) is crazy. No shops are open during this time (even 7/11, which NEVER happens!). Remember, this is roughly 66 million people + tourists............ Granted, not every single person would obey, however in the streets of Bangkok, judging by the pictures I have seen and what my friends tell me, it is exactly that - a creepy, eery, curfew...

As for me + Bangkok, it's a "watch this space" mentality. There are a lot of variables that are about to happen before I/we can decide a few things, but please know I am safe. As for realtime updates, I employ you to stick to more factual ones, such as:


unfortunately the likes of news.com.au and CNN etc seem to add a significant amount of drama...

Anyway, i'll include some pictures so you can see some realness.
Any questions please let me know
dan x

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Political/Military update...

Hi all,

Thank you for all your messages :).

I thought i would spread a quick note to let you know that all is "ok" (i understand that may seem very naive, however it's the truth!).

Unfortunately (or fortunately - pending how you look at it), the media has a tendency to sensationalise events and that cannot be more true about Thailand. Yes, martial law was declared, yes there are a lot of variables at the moment, however....there are not soldiers on every corner, there are not gangs walking around rioting, there are not bonfires and violence. In fact, it is business as usual. This morning when i walked to work it was actually busier than normal - people hustling and bustling around on their way to work (getting breakfast), waiting at the bus stop, etc. I saw not one troop today.

Yes, i am lucky as I am in an area that is not near government houses/buildings and yes, my work is close by to my apartment, so....maybe in that way i am naive, but that also means i'm ok :).

Speaking at lunch today with my thai colleagues they are not too phased at all. Many actually think this is just another "step" in the process - with it being a part of the larger process, and this being the only way to go to "save face" for both parties (as neither has 'won' in the ongoing protests since November last year). Believe what you will, but you only have to review a quick history of Thai politics to see why this series of events isn't too unusual (hint : 1973 is when modern instability begun!):


For some non-biased updates:


Maps (my apartment is in Soi Nai Loet- just near Chidlom (or up from Lumpini on the map):


As a side note, martial law means some crazy things are now law...have a read of the list if you get a chance (e.g. - bans on media including social media, weapon control, no curfew etc).

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me. If anything changes i'll let you know.....well, maybe after I save my life..ha..

Peace xx

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Ever wondered why you pick that brand of milk at woolies? Why you prefer those biscuits to the ones right next to them?

One thing that is easy to forget is the little things in life - such as the items you pick when grocery shopping. So....it goes without saying that shopping in a different supermarket, in a different country and in a different language is...Unique! 5 Months later and I think i've found most of the items i like - whether it be the brand of Soy Milk or the type of strawberries (Korean Vs American - who would of thought?). Admittedly, most of it has been via trial and error (which has sometimes ended up with a full bin), it's been fun!  And not too expensive either........lucky!

The past week has been a fairly busy one as i settle back in to (some-sort) of normality. Unfortunately for me (and the other 6.3 million inhabitants of Bangkok) - it is still "bloody" hot. April is 'supposedly' the hottest month of the year (hence Songkran) - but i'm not sure if i agree with everyone. It is now mid-May and last week was by far the hottest week i've had in Bangkok. I'm talking walk out of the door and instant sweat mode...(you can't even pay for that experience?). On Thursday (or maybe Friday - i blame the heat for my forgetfulness) - it was 42 degrees Celsius, plus the usual humidity and pollution. On the plus side, storms are coming and almost every night there is a big one - so this excites me! (Although my friends at work now say the rainy season means floods everywhere - one extreme to the other!!!).

Yesterday (Saturday) I had a fairly quite day - lunch with friends at Siam Paragon (a shopping centre), followed by a walk and a quiet afternoon. Today, Sunday, I took the BTS (sky train) a few stops down to Ekkaimai and had brunch by myself, reading up on my buddhism :). Sometimes I have an out-of-body experience and wonder what people think of me as I sit by myself in a  cafe/restaurant, doing my own thing - whether that's reading a book or smiling at messages on my phone. If there is one thing I have developed over the last few months it is independence - the actual confidence to go and experience things by 'myself' and not feel silly. This, by far, is one of the best things I have developed. Don't get me wrong though - I still smile awkwardly at the staff as the serve me with their pity face or ask if its a table for "2" or "1???" with a puppy dog face. Haha! You have to laugh, otherwise, well.....you know.. :)

Food wise - I am pleased to say that my diet has NEVER been better. Fresh food - curries, fruit, vegetables, Thai iced tea and Bubble teas. I absolutely loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee it.

Below are a random selection of pictures - some of my walk to work in the morning (through the markets and in the sun), and some of this weekend. The blue 'building' is my apartment/condo block - cute hey :).

Off to do some ironing and my chores to start the week. Hope you all have had a good weekend and good luck for the week ahead.

P.S - Happiest of Birthdays to my dad and my sister x

Peace out x

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Wisakha Bucha Day

G'day all,

Today (13th May) is Wisakha Bucha Day in Thailand - the day Buddhist celebrate the birth, enlightenment and passing of 'the' Buddha. So, naturally, it's a Public Holiday :).

It was beautiful weather today, which is rather fitting I guess. I don't think I'll ever not be a true local and reduce the quantity of sweat - but I've spent enough time to observe the tricks, i.e.:

- walk slow. Like, as if you do not want to go to work (or school) slow. This avoids any unnecessary rush and at the same time (conveniently) means you don't break a sweat rushing (ha!)
- use any object available to shelf yourself from the sun. This can be, but is not limited too, a book, your bag, an umbrella, a hat, your friends hat, paper or an article of clothing (no joke).
- avoid walking. if walking is required for more than 2 minutes, get a bike or taxi.
- eat cool, refreshing items regularly
- Basically, avoid going outside. At all costs. No excuses.

:)  No racism or gimmick intended - just simple, casual observations :). I like the style!

On a side note, I thought it would be of interest to you (as you are apparently so interested in me), that you also know I am currently reading up on Buddhism and Thai history (especially Northern Thailand vs Southern). As well, I'm also partial to a few Thai tunes. Yes, i don't actually know what the words mean, but judging by the YouTube clips, I think i've worked it out (plus the tunes are catchy!). Here's some to enlighten you:

(i hear this every morning when walking through the markets - I think i could almost choreograph a routine to the chorus now..)

Anyway, that's all for me for now. I'm off to be at peace...

Have a good week :)
Dan x

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Weekend /M-day...

Hi everyone!
Hope you have had a lovely weekend, relaxing and soaking up the sun!

Today is a special day for all the mothers. It's not really celebrated here (from my observation), so it sucks seeing all the Facebook love but not seeing it in real life. To my mum,  thank you for everything you have done for me. You're the best and I love you):).

Now! Weekend. Somehow this weekend I accidentally stumpled upon a fashion show, went to the opening of (another) massive shopping centre and successfully sweated so much I almost fainted. Success!

The good news is the "rains have started ", every night there's been a storm... I love it! Tropical :). Ive been wondering though, what happens to all the skybars??? Do they have an evacuation plan? Like, seriously, they are always decked out with so much decoration, live bands, food, etc. And everyone wouldn't fit in the lifts at once? Ahhh, that would be such an experience haha. :D

Pictures for you. Ive also included a picture of lunch on Friday -spicy tom yum noodles with minced pork and pork intestine. It looks suppper spicy but is actually super delicious!  So fresh :).

Stay cool people and love your mummas! Xx